I’m Just a Kid Again, Off to Camp Colorado!

Tomorrow morning, when Mary and I leave for Sabbath service in Monument, CO, rather than drive all the way back to Canon City, we will drive to our daughter’s place in Denver to spend the night, so that we’ll only have about an 1-1/2 hour drive to Allenspark (about 17 miles south of Estes Park).

Camp Colorado, the third United Church of God preteen camp for this summer, will run from Sunday mid-day to Wednesday mid-day (June 23-26). What a blessing to serve 42 preteens aged 5-12 and even some mini-campers! We’re there for them, not for ourselves, but it’s impossible not to reap such tremendous blessings for being God’s family together for three days of extensive teaching and activities in such a gorgeous setting.

Besides laundering the camp shirts, which we’re excited to hear will be electric blue for staff, I’m looking forward to leading two nights of singing around the campfire. One song, “Red, Red Robin” has the very relevant lyric for us definitely-not-preteen-staff: “I’m just a kid again, doing what I did again.” This will be Mary and my 11th time, tying for the most of any on the staff.

You’ll remember that in the past I bring you a recap of the spiritual teaching and lessons that will be given there. What’s good for preteens is good for us since God says His family must become like little children to be in His Kingdom. He’s after children who are trusting, teachable, responsive, quick to forgive, and do what He says.

Last post I urged you to read UCG’s free booklet “The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.” I plan to restudy it during any free time I might happen to stumble into while at Camp. Why don’t you join me? The Middle East is going to continue to be the ground zero of Bible prophecy. It will be nice to be out of reach of the news for those three days. No problem since this booklet lays it all out in advance from God in His Bible!

Prayers for the success of Camp Colorado would be most appreciated. Youth are the future of the Church of God. We’ll be considering “Standing Strong” with the armor of God. What a weekend: a regular Sabbath and then Camp Colorado!

I’ll do my best to share the joy of it with you when I get back! And who knows, Broose the Moose might get to see a moose or two at Camp! When a sighting occurs, all other activity always halts in its tracks to see such a special treat from God’s magnificent creation.

I can’t wait to be “just a kid again, doing what I did again!”


20 FREE eBooks (pdfs) to read, download or print

I highly recommend you first read “Building the Family of God,” the first one on the list for a good reason. This one gives you the plan of God, your purpose for living, and understanding of the complete Bible. Yes, it’s 179 pages and we have such short attention spans now, and don’t read like we should, but could anything be more important than knowing—and living—this knowledge! Readers are leaders and you could be one of God’s!

I hope you can’t resist the temptation to read all of these!

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