Stand in the Gaping Gap

In the book of Ezekiel God says, “I sought for a [person] among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it” (Ezekiel 22:30). God seeks a watchman (chapters 2 and 3) who is watching and praying (Luke 21:36) about threats from without and from within. To “be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man,” we must stand in the gap and complete the Great Commission God has given His Church (Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20).

The gap couldn’t be any wider and deeper since God and His Kingdom and satan and this world he rules—for now with God’s permission (John 12:31)—are polar opposites. The gaps today are gaping!

The stakes could not be higher

The destruction God’s watchmen must warn about looms just ahead for the House of Israel. So many today are saying, “Great, give it to the evil Jews!” They don’t know that Ezekiel distinguishes between the House of Israel and the House of Judah (37:16). Judah (Jews) are only one tribe of the 12 tribes of Israel. The House of Israel is the “lost 10 tribes” which are the modern nations of the United States, Britain (not Great anymore), Canada and Australia. The English-speaking nations have been on top and can’t begin to imagine that God promises them, for having had His Word available and yet sinning all the more—CAPTIVITY, with only a remnant of 10%! Read it for yourself (Ezekiel 5-7). Israel had already gone into captivity to Assyria about 130 years earlier than Ezekiel; his message is for us today in the end-time!

The Bible teaches tithing, and God plans to save only 10% of the captives (Amos 5:3). Like today when God’s Pentecost, coming June 16, pictures that God is calling firstfruits now to be His watchmen in His early crew. I hope he’s calling you and you are passionately desiring to be an instrument in His hands to fulfill His daunting assignment. Please help yourself to the free 22-page eBook on Pentecost offered below.

Study the intercessory heroes of faith in the Bible

Abraham dickered with the preincarnate Jesus Christ over what would be the lowest amount of righteous people that God would be willing to spare Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23-32). Abraham got down to 10, though with His best poker face, God knew there was only one righteous (Lot, 2 Peter 2:7-8). Of note is that God allowed any of Lot’s relatives to escape if they were willing (Genesis 19:12), but only his wife and two daughters were. Just as God allowed Noah’s family to go with him on the ark, we can hope that our willing relatives might choose to go when it’s time for the Place of Safety.

God was ready to wipe out the idolatrous Israelites after the golden calf orgy and create a new nation from Moses, but Moses interceded (Exodus 32:10-14). For standing in the gap for them, he got to wander around with them for 40 years and miss out on entering the Promised Land when they riled him to speak unwisely.

There wasn’t much of a gap between the Midianite woman Cozbi and Zimri, but Phineas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, stepped up and jammed a javelin through them to stop the plague (Numbers 25:6-15). God rewarded him for his zeal more than any Olympian!

Good on you if God has called you to be one of His watchmen and you are zealously striving to fulfill this challenging mission.

Each of us must note carefully how God warned Ezekiel: “But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house” (2:8).


20 FREE eBooks (pdfs) to read, download or print

I highly recommend you first read “Building the Family of God,” the first one on the list for a good reason. This one gives you the plan of God, your purpose for living, and understanding of the complete Bible. Yes, it’s 179 pages and we have such short attention spans now, and don’t read like we should, but could anything be more important than knowing—and living—this knowledge! Readers are leaders and you could be one of God’s!

I hope you can’t resist the temptation to read all of these!

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