Don’t Miss Out on These Exciting Bible Studies of the Book of Ezekiel

Last post I shared how important the book of Ezekiel should be to you, regarding what’s coming soon for the nations, but especially for the English-speaking nations of the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia. I hope God is calling you to be His watchman.

To be a worthy watchman, right now you should be a listenman! Or listenwoman!

Rick Shabi, President of the United Church of God, is offering free for your listening effort a series of Bible studies on the book of Ezekiel, usually once a week on Wednesday night. While you could make an arrangement to have permission to get in on the weekly zoom, far easier is to listen at your convenience usually Friday evening or thereafter. This way you can easily replay scriptures or points that came at you too quickly.

So far there have been six Bible Studies on the first eight chapters, so it would be good for you to zealously catch up with the group.

Here’s the link to the introductory/chapter 1:

For the rest, you will need to: 1); 2) heading called “sermons”; 3) for name, type in “Rick Shabi”; 4) click “Apply.” That will bring up all of Rick Shabi’s messages. Select the next one you are ready for, the newer ones near the top.

The next scheduled zoom Bible Study is scheduled for June 5 and will probably be available by Friday, June 7. So it would be a good idea to catch up the first six studies by then.

Each study goes verse by verse through this amazing major prophet book that is powerful for us NOW! I can testify that Rick Shabi will make this book come alive for you as he already has for the books of Isaiah, Ezra and Nehemiah, which are also available with the instructions above.

20 FREE eBooks (pdfs) to read, download or print

I highly recommend you first read “Building the Family of God,” the first one on the list for a good reason. This one gives you the plan of God, your purpose for living, and understanding of the complete Bible. Yes, it’s 179 pages and we have such short attention spans now, and don’t read like we should, but could anything be more important than knowing—and living—this knowledge! Readers are leaders and you could be one of God’s!

I hope you can’t resist the temptation to read all of these!

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